Canada’s high academic standards and rigorous quality controls ensurethat the degree you obtain here will open the doors to your dreamcareer and benefit your professional trajectory in the long-term.Globally recognized degrees, diplomas, and certificate are on a par withthose obtained from the United States or Commonwealth nations.
Affordable Education
Studying abroad in a first world country can be a very expensiveproposition. However, even though the quality of education and livingstandards in Canada are amongst the highest in the world, the cost ofeducation is quite affordable. The cost of living and tuition fees areusually lower than in other countries such as the US and the UK. Canadahence is a much sought after study abroad destination for higher studiesaspirants.
Diverse Cosmopolitan Society
Canada is a culture cauldron with most of the world’s ethnic groups represented here. It is a home away from home as it abounds in ethnic cuisines and recreational activities associated with a variety of cultures. An international student advisor can help you get connectedwith a multitude of ethnic clubs and associations during your tenure here.
Safe and Peaceful Environs
Canada has always accorded a warm welcome to people coming to study or work here.The friendly nature of its citizens is the well-known fact. What may not be as known a fact is that the United Nations has consistently ranked Canada as one of the best places to live. As an international student, you are entitled to all opportunities and privileges that are accorded to native Canadians—along with enjoying Canada’s strong onus on human rights, equality, stability, and peace.
Outstanding Language Education
Trivia time! Did you know that Canada is a bilingual country and is a global forerunner in language training? As French and English are taught mandatorily as a first and second language, you will have the opportunity to enhance your command over either language as you further your studies.
Vibrant Campus Life
Choosing Canada for higher studies will expose you to post-secondary campuses that aren’t only in sync with the latest technological advancements, but also offer other upgraded amenities as well. Right from Olympic-standard sports facilities, gigantic public concert halls,and art galleries, Canada’s post-secondary campuses offer students myriad possibilities for both learning and leisure. The vibrant campus life also gives international students the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals and gain valuable experience via student-run administrative bodies, radios, newspapers and businesses.
Focus on Innovation and Research
Research being a key constituent of the Canadian post-secondaryeducation, students will have adequate opportunities to pursue thisspecific academic discipline. In Canada, the government and industrycollaborate to support research in telecommunications, medicine,agriculture, computer technology, environment studies etc.
Land of Opportunities
In Canada, students not only earn academic degrees but also obtain all-round development. The highly dynamic and hands-on academic ambiance helps students acquire analytical and communicative skills along withthe ability to express themselves, demonstrate their creativity and develop their confidence. Teachers and professors are readily available to help students with their curriculum, and the classroom lessons blend academic excellence with interactive collaboration.